Tag Archives: garden

2024 On the Homestead – Obtaining a Yield (principle 3)

A Few of our Butternut Squash

Obtain a Yield is the third permaculture principle. It speaks to why we keep garden records and review them every year.

This principle seems obvious, like something that doesn’t need to be stated. After all, it’s an imperative that all living beings must take in energy in order to survive, and often gather materials for other purposes, like shelter. But many people currently do not get what they need from the land around them, but depend on vast global shipping networks and access to money instead. The distance tricks us into thinking we are dependent not on the land, but on stores, trucks and planes. This system is precarious and doesn’t work for many people already. It is also tremendously energy intensive, wasteful and harmful to people and planet.

When we design and invest in systems close to home to meet our needs, we are more resilient and use fewer scarce resources. We eat fresher, healthier food. Further, we are able to recognize how we are knit into the ecological fabric, not outside of it.

Permaculture also encourages us to expand our understanding of what a yield can be. Food, of course, also water, medicine, energy, materials, waste recycling, fertilizer, even shade from a tree. Fun, beauty and joy are also yields.  I tend to focus on the practical needs first and let the less tangible benefits evolve and emerge from there.

Food is one of the easiest yields for most of us to focus on, at least here in NH where there is plenty of open space. Even for people who don’t own land, there are community gardens and opportunities for land sharing.

As the year ends, I take time to add up our harvest records. Since we take yield seriously, keeping track and comparing to other years is important and a great learning opportunity (learning is another yield). Let me share this year’s numbers and a few comments on how they differ from other years.

2024 Harvest:

Alliums – garlic – 28# (166 heads); 160 garlic tops – ; leeks – 47.25#, perennial onions – 14.5#

Beans & Peas – snap beans – 27.75#; dry beans –

Beans Drying on the Vine

16.25#; sugar snap peas – 1#

Brassicas – broccoli – 3#; brussels sprouts – 14.5#;kale/collard – 17.5#

Corn, popcorn – 5.25#

Cucumber – 18.5#

Eggplant – 27.5#

Greens – lettuce – 19#

Herbs – basil – 4#; dill – .5#

Mushrooms, winecap.5#

Potatoes – 36.75#

Roots – beets – 32#; carrots – 37.5#; parsnips – 44#; radishes – 73, turnips (gold ball) – 6#

Squash – summer – 17.25#; winter (butternut and Seminole) – 878#

Tomato – slicing – 44#; cherry – 13.5#

Perennial Veggies: asparagus – 5#; rhubarb – 14.5#

Fruit: blueberry – 2#; crabapples – 17.5#; currants, red & white – 1#; clove currants – 1#; elderberry – 6#; goumi – 5.5#; grapes – 23.5#; honeyberry – 2#; jostaberry – 1#; mulberry – 3#; peaches – 602.5#; raspberry – 2#; strawberry – 14.5#

Maple syrup – 3 quarts

Sea salt – 1.25 gallon

We brought in 64 gallons of goat milk (from 3 goats); 68# goat meat; 4# goat lard

Our poultry harvest came to: 1,319 (109 dozen) chicken eggs from 11 hens; 490 (40 dozen) duck eggs from 3 ducks; chicken meat – 60#; duck meat – 14#

Gleaned crops: apples – 500#; pears – 75#

Food Preserving

Preserving food for the off-season is how we eat from local year-round. Here’s a summary of what I put up this year:

Canned: peaches – 105 quarts; blueberries – 7 pints; strawberries – 5 pints; pears – 8 pints; peach juice – 12 pints; grape juice – 5 pints; strawberry juice – 5 pints

Dried: peaches – 10#; grapes (raisins) – 1.75#

Refrigerated: lactofermented cucumber pickles – 6 quarts

Frozen: blueberries – 1 gallon bag; snap beans – 16 pts; eggplant – 10.5 qts; basil pesto – 16 pints; chevre cheese – 10 pints; mozzarella cheese – 10#; and most of the meat.

Root cellar: carrots, beets, parsnips, turnips.

We store these crops in a cold room: garlic, potatoes, winter squash, and apples.

These are stored on the shelf: dried beans, popcorn.

Other yields to mention are: wood for heating,water captured for the garden and animals, medicinal herbs, exercise, clean air.

Great crops this year were clearly peaches and wintersquash. It was the first year we had a measurable amount of asparagus, finally! Beets and parsnips also did better than expected. Lower than hoped for yields stand out in sugar snap peas, broccoli, cucumber, summer squash and berries. I would have liked more carrots and potatoes. Everything else was roughly what I planned for.

In my next post I will talk more about the lessons from the season that these numbers speak to.

Also, over the next year or two I plan to write about more of the twelve principles of permaculture. I don’t expect to write about them in order, but will skip around as they seem to fit the work we are doing and what is on my mind. After all, like I said last post, they are not a checklist to get through one after another, but guidelines to live with as a way of better aligning ourselves with the wisdom of the world around us.

He knows how to get a yield!

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Filed under Food Preservation, Gardens, Permaculture principles

Observe and Interact

The first principle of permaculture, Observe and Interact, is one I return to again and again. This is how it is meant to be since the principles are not a checklist to work through and be done with but a way of looking at the world that you try to deepen over time.

Bumblebee on Anise Hyssop

Observe and Interact basically tells us to pay attention, engage, and learn. This seems like it should be easy for human beings with our capacity for thinking, reflecting and remembering. At the moment, however, our culture does not seem to encourage critical thinking, seeing reality, or empowered action. It is a complex, convoluted and often overwhelming world of information these days. This is part of why the garden is such a great place to take in these principles. This sort of embodied and direct learning and feedback greatly helps us to grasp and internalize all the principles of permaculture.

So, it follows that the more that we garden and homestead the more we understand the importance of principle number one: Observe and Interact. This year we found ourselves particularly noting the benefits we get and the problems we avoid by paying attention.

It has always been my goal to carefully inspect every part of our three or so acres in use on a regular basis, maybe every other week. While I have not met that goal, I did manage to keep an eye on this land enough to catch and deal with some problems before they got out of hand. Here are some examples.

Dandelions in Spring

I have been working for years to build our soil and encourage vibrant plant growth while being picky about what plants live here. I have a long list of plants I like, including some that other people detest like dandelions, but there also plenty which I do not want taking up residence here, including some that can be very persistent. My experience is that stopping plants from establishing themselves is much easier than trying to remove them later.

This year we had garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata) and Oriental bittersweet (Celastrus orbiculatus) try to move in. I found the garlic mustard in my front orchard where I spend a lot of time. There were just a few plants when I noticed and identified it and pulled it out. Throughout the season I walked by the area and pulled up the few straggly new ones that tried to come back. I will keep an eye on it next year, but don’t foresee much of a problem. Later in the season, I was visiting the goats when I noticed a vine climbing up the fence. It was about 2 feet tall and when we dug it out the orange root confirmed that, yes, it was Oriental bittersweet. It hasn’t come back yet but we will keep watching. We’ve had this happen before with bittersweet and it does sometimes take a few rounds to get out all of the root.

While most people think of these plants as impossible to get rid of, especially without chemicals, we find any plant we can keep cut back eventually dies. The smaller it is when we start the process the faster it all goes. Again, noticing is the key. Of course, we also have goats if we needed to really keep something knocked back that has gotten established – like poison ivy was when we first got here!

This would be too many peaches!

As you know from my last post, I had a fabulous peach season this year. It would not have been quite as good if I had not been tuned into them long before they were ripe. We pruned in the late winter and thinned after fruit set in the spring. I felt like we did a good job, but another walk through in early summer alerted me to some issues. First, I tend to leave enough fruit on to make up for loss from other animals, but for some reason we had very little theft by squirrels this year. So I needed to do another round of thinning to prevent branches from breaking and to let the remaining fruit grow nice and big. Also, I could see the trees were getting very bushy and full.  Although it is not the recommended time to do a lot of pruning, we have found that a mid summer cut back is useful for our more vigorous trees. Otherwise, they put on so much leaf growth they shade the peaches too much to ripen well. So far, we have not seen a downside to careful summer pruning. Certainly this year we had a spectacular season with lots of delicious fruit, as I reported in August. Stay tuned for my harvest summary update in about a month for the final numbers!

Songbird nestlings need a lot of food

This year many people experienced high animal pest numbers. We had some problems for sure. The chipmunks stole most of my strawberries, and we had many gorgeous songbirds visiting us – and taking most of our berry crop. But our fences generally held, keeping the deer, porcupines, raccoons and groundhogs at bay. In July, however, I noticed something nibbling the winter squash leaves in one of the orchards. Just a few, but still… the next day a few more were gone and a few young squash had been gnawed on. So, we scouted around the area very carefully and, yes, found a den with multiple entrances. We were unsure if he/she scaled a fence or

Young, Vulnerable Winter Squash

tunneled in but we acted fast to refill the holes and remove the critter and managed to save a lot of our produce for the year.



Grey Tree Frog

Although my observations are particularly tuned in to catch problems, it’s also important to see the beauty, health and productivity all around me. No matter the season or the stressors, there’s always something to appreciate.


Life off the homestead is busy, full and important to me, too, especially this year when I have been so busy as a peace activist. Plus, I’m only human. So I miss plenty of things. I do notice, though, that with time and practice it is more natural and easy, just a part of who I am, to be connected to and observing this land that supports and shelters me.




Filed under Gardens, Interdependence, Permaculture principles, Uncategorized

A Week in August for a Food Preserver

If you’ve been a regular reader of this blog, you will know how invested I am in food preservation. In any place with such a short growing season the best way to be a year round local food eater is to can, dry, freeze, root cellar and grow long keeping foods. So, starting in July, bringing in and putting up the harvest is one of my main concerns. In fact, I have a goal of preserving something every day.

Here’s what that looked like for me for the week of August 12 2024.

Ripening Peaches


More peaches are ripening! We brought in 32 pounds mostly from our Redhaven tree. We cut and cooked them but it wasn’t quite enough to justify heating the water to can. There is a big pot of them in the fridge to combine with tomorrow’s harvest.

Canned Peaches


Canning! Another 30 pounds of Redhaven and Starfire peaches came in to cut, cook and water bath process. Three rounds for 21 quarts to store. A peach processing session like this takes up most of my day.



The basil has been gorgeous and lush. I cut a pound for making pesto. The garlic and salt is also ours – the olive oil is not local! I skip the pine nuts and cheese for my version. Since tomatoes don’t agree with my digestive system, I use pesto instead of red sauce in everything. So it’s important to have enough for a year’s supply. I freeze 3/4 pint jars of it, and this hour long session yielded 5 of those.

Beans Prepped for the Freezer


Our string beans were a little slow to get started but now here they are, 5 pounds at a time. Our Blue Lake pole beans are especially prolific at the moment. In a couple of hours, I picked, snapped, blanched, and froze a few pounds for future three bean salads. In the past I used small plastic freezer bags but glass wide mouth pint jars work great and hold the right amount for each round of salad making. I’m always looking for ways to use less plastic.

Our Milk Makers & Kids


We have 2 gallons of milk in the fridge, about five days worth. I find our raw milk is perfect for about one week so it’s time to move some along, in this case as chevre cheese. One gallon of milk equals about five half pints for the freezer and one to go straight to the fridge. I start the process of making it late at night and the cheese really makes itself overnight. I strain and jar it the next morning. I love this cheese in salads – lettuce based salads in the spring, thinly sliced cucumber salads for the summer and a wonderful beet and kale type nearly year round. I also end up with a 1/2 gallon of whey which the chickens love.


More peaches! These are still from my three earliest ripening trees: a Lars Anderson, a Redhaven and a Starfire, all 8 or 9 years old. We’ve gotten better at pruning the trees (as I wrote in my last post) and thinning the fruit, so we have nice, big peaches. I can’t explain why the birds and squirrels have spared us this year, I know some of my local friends lost their crops. I did two more canner loads and now have 48 quarts on my shelves.



The eggplant is finally kicking in. I have good years and not so good years with the eggplant. It’s too early to decide for 2024, but we did just bring in five pounds to preserve. I diced, cooked and froze them specifically for making Eggplant-Almond Enchiladas. Next time I will slice them into rounds for eggplant parmesan.

So that was my August 12-19 food preserving week. And I hadn’t even pulled out my dehydrator yet! I hope to have enough harvest and time to keep on like this for a couple of months, filling my freezers and shelves to ensure homegrown food all through the winter.

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